JD 400/500 Series Quick Attach Double Front Loader
John Deere 400 500 Series Quick Attach Double Front Loader hay bale spear

JD 400/500 Series Quick Attach Double Front Loader

Part Number: JD-400/500QTDB

Tri-L’s JD 400/500 Series Double Front Loader hay bale spear is perfect for handling round bales of hay. The two-spear design allows you to grab the bale at a lower point and has a larger weight capacity than the standard single-spear design. The frame includes a 12” headache rack to help support the load when rolling back the loader arms. Our 500 series frame has both the JD compact and JD utility tractor pin mounts and will fit the 300, 400 and 500 series John Deere loaders.


Machine Requirements

Fits John Deere 200, 300,
400, or & 500 series loaders


32″ x 46″ Frame
36″ or 49″ Spears



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